Present your self-hosted app designs on any smartphone.

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Get it for free!

For Android – and soon for iOS. Free of charge and free of advertising.

Put in what you need.

qiew is a fullscreen browser and offers a flexible framework for your app prototypes.

Easy to use

Scan QR Code and start testing. Shake to close.


Host your content wherever you want. Embed pictures, videos or JS.


Even without qiew, any QR scanner can open your links.

(Soon) Shorter

Create short links of your urls for compact QR codes.

This is how it works:

  1. Copy this code into an HTML file.
  2. Configure the link to your image/design.
  3. Copy the HTML file with your image to a web server.
  4. Create a QR code with a link to your HTML file.
  5. Share your QR code so that others can view your design!
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<!-- Last entry "viewport-fit=cover" is important to show your design fullscreen on iOS devices with notch. -->
		<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width, height=device-height, viewport-fit=cover">
qiew has its own meta tag to control the status bar style on iOS and Android. 
"statusbar-style" is for iOS and can have the value "default", "lightcontent", "blacktranslucent", "blackopaque" or "hidden".
"theme-color" is for Android and can have the value "transparent" or any hex color in this format: #000000.
		<meta name="qiew" content="statusbar-style=lightcontent, theme-color=#000000">
		<!-- Load some reset styles to display your image correctly -->
		<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
		<title>Your App name</title>
	<body style="background: #FFFFFF;">
		<img src="path/to/my-app-screen.jpg" alt="" />